Monday, November 27, 2006

f word

ted jsem si vzpomnela, ze na vylete v NYC jsem videla tricko, ktere se zovalo "how to use the f word". koupit si ho by bylo vyhazovani penez, takze aspon zprostredkovane...

How to use the F word
dismay - Oh! Fuck it.
2. aggression - Fuck you!
3. passive - Fuck me.
4.command - Go fuck yourself!
5. incompetence - He's a fuck-up.
6. laziness - He's a fuck-off.
7. ignorance - He's a fucking jerk.
8. trouble - I guess I'm fucked now.
9. confusion - What the fuck?
10. despair - Fucked again...
11. philosophical - Who gives a fuck?
12. denial - You ain't fucking me.
13. rebellion - Fuck the world!
14. annoyance - Don't fuck with me.
15. encouragement - Oh! Fuck it.
16. etiquette - Pass the fucking salt.
17. fraud - I got fucked by my insurance agent.
18. difficulty - I can't understand this fucking thing.
19. identification - Who the fuck are you?
20. ugliness - You're a dumb looking fuck.
21. agreement - You're fucking-ay right.
22. benvolence - Don't do me any fucking favors!
23. wisdom - Fuck that shit!
24. insight - You're out of your fucking mind.

Tak to je ono... mne osobne to dost pobavilo (jiste se najde nekdo, kdo rekne, ze je to "stary"... a ja na to "i don't give a fuck" :-DDD). Obzvalste me bavi body 9, 13, 16, 19 a 23. Bod 11 venuji Vitane.
A jeste jedno video k tematu:


Anonymous said...

Jo, zvlášť ta šestnáctka, devatenáctka a třiadvacítka se povedly. :))

ad video - lol, fuckest, absofuckin'lutely, infuckin'credible ... :)

Anonymous said...

Kristinko, to je uplne bezva, to se mi skvele hodi na hodinu lexikologie! Diiiiiik! :)

Anonymous said...

lol :)
Pak, jano, napiš, jestli to mělo ohlas. :)

Vitana said...

Díky za bod 11 :-) Mně se teda líbí snad všechny, tohle prostě nemá chybu :-D
jana: megaLOL :-) A já si bláhově myslela, že jsi slušně děvče ;-)

Anonymous said...

10395: LOL, to se prece nevylucuje ;)

Jinak ohlas dobry, probirali jsme to na seminari. Myslim, ze jsem Ti ziskala par novych "ctenaru".

Anonymous said...

Btw, chybi tam to nejjednodussi - "Fuck off!"

kristinka said...

jana: dekuji ;) jj, fuck off je hold proflakly... taky tam treba chybi fuck me ve smyslu "prekvapeni".. jako v bridget jones ;)